Standing Committees
Rotary At Work
The Rotary Club of Bowmanville has seven standing committees each headed by an elected director. Each committee has a specific mandate and terms of reference that guide their functioning. Ad hoc committees may be struck for specific purposes as required. The Club President, or his/her designate, shall be an ex-officio member of each standing committee.
Club Administration Committee
Mandate and Governance
The Club Administration Committee shall have authority to exercise its role and duties within the limits set out by the by-laws of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and the committee's terms of reference. The general mandate of the Club Administration Committee shall be to ensure the effective functioning of the Club and to organize its fellowship activities.
Decisions on motions before the committee and within its mandate shall be made by consensus or by a majority vote of the committee members. The committee chair shall normally only vote to break a tie.
Role and Duties
The Club Administration committee is responsible for:
developing committee goals to achieve effective organization and administration of club meetings and fellowship events.
conducting activities associated with the effective operation of the Club including general administration, organization of the meeting facility, and meeting set-up and put-away.
assisting the Club Secretary with the monitoring and recording of member attendance.
producing the weekly bulletin and ensuring the timely publication and distribution of the bulletin to the Club’s members.
securing speakers for meetings and publishing the names and topics of upcoming speakers on the Club’s website.
ensuring that speakers’ presentation needs, such as a laptop computer and LCD projector, are available and set up appropriately.
promoting Club fellowship through the organization of fellowship events such as fireside chats, golf tournaments, and social events (e.g.: St. Patrick’s and Christmas parties).
publishing details of fellowship events on the Club’s website.
keeping the Club’s storage locker in a neat and orderly state and maintaining a current list of Club assets stored in the locker.
The Club Administration Committee may strike sub-committees as required; for example, a sub-committee to arrange for speakers or to monitor and maintain the storage locker. Sub-committees shall be provided with a specific mandate and shall report to the committee as a whole.
Community Service Committee
Mandate and Governance
The Community Service Committee shall have authority to exercise its role and duties within the limits set out by the by-laws of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and it's terms of reference. The general mandate of the Community Service Committee shall be to conduct charitable activities on behalf of the Club. This mandate shall normally be restricted to activities within Canada and shall normally focus on local, regional, and provincial jurisdictions. In formulating its plans and making its decisions, the Community Service Committee shall keep Rotary International’s six (6) Areas of Focus in mind. In addition, the Rotary Club of Bowmanville has a long tradition of focusing on children with special needs and it shall be within the mandate of the Community Service Committee to maintain this focus until such time as the Club membership formally requests a change in focus.
Decisions on funding requests before the committee and within its mandate shall be made through discussion and consensus of the committee members. For amounts greater than $500, consensus of a quorum is required. Should a vote on a request be required, the committee chair shall conduct the vote and shall normally only vote to break a tie. A record of committee decisions shall be maintained. For amounts equal to or less than $500, a funding decision may be made by the Director and one other committee member.
Role and Duties
The Community Service committee shall be responsible for:
- developing committee goals to achieve community service project goals for the coming year.
- planning and conducting charitable projects on behalf of the Club that include needs assessments and evaluation of their effectiveness
- working with other organizations, volunteers, and committee members to maximize the impact of the Club’s projects.
- planning and implementing the annual Respite Care program.
- planning and implementing the annual Christmas Party for children with special needs.
- reviewing and evaluating on-going funding initiatives and determining if they should continue and, if so, determining the amount of funding to be allotted.
- identifying opportunities for additional projects that will provide significant benefit to the community, be sustainable, and enhance the Club’s profile within the community.
- evaluating requests for funding received by the Club and making decisions related to the acceptance or rejection of those requests.
- determining the amount of funding to be allotted to requests that have been approved.
- tracking requests for funding and maintaining a record of decisions made and amounts of funding allotted.
- liaising with the Rookie committee, the Youth Service committee and the International Service committee to ensure a coordinated response to funding requests.
- working toward achieving the goals set out in the Rotary International Presidential Citation.
The Community Service Committee may strike sub-committees as required; for example, a sub-committee to organize the children’s Christmas party or the Respite Care program. Sub-committees shall be provided with a specific mandate and shall report to the committee as a whole.
International Service Committee
Mandate and Governance
The International Service Committee shall have authority to exercise its role and duties within the limits set out by the by-laws of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and the Committee's terms of reference. The general mandate of the International Service Committee shall be to conduct charitable activities on behalf of the Club. This mandate shall normally be restricted to charitable projects outside Canada. In formulating its plans and making its decisions, the International Service Committee should keep Rotary International’s six (6) Areas of Focus in mind. In addition, the International Service Committee shall have responsibility for the Club’s activities associated with the Rotary Foundation.
Decisions on funding requests before the committee and within its mandate shall be made through discussion and consensus of the committee members. For amounts greater than $500, consensus of a quorum is required. Should a vote on a request be required, the committee chair shall conduct the vote and shall normally only vote to break a tie. A record of committee decisions shall be maintained. For amounts equal to or less than $500, a funding decision may be made by the Director and one other committee member.
Role and Duties
The International Service Committee shall be responsible for:
- developing committee goals to achieve international service project goals and Club Foundation goals for the coming year.
- planning and conducting international charitable projects on behalf of the Club that include needs assessments and evaluation of their effectiveness.working with other Rotary clubs, organizations, volunteers, and committee members to maximize the impact of the Club’s international projects.
- reviewing and evaluating on-going funding initiatives and determining if they should continue and, if so, determining the amount of funding to be allotted.
- identifying opportunities for additional international projects that will provide significant and sustainable benefit to the target community and enhance the Rotary’s profile within the international community.
- evaluating requests for funding for international projects received by the Club and making decisions related to the acceptance or rejection of those requests.
- determining the amount of funding to be given to requests that have been approved.
- tracking requests for funding and maintaining a record of decisions made and amounts of funding allotted.
- educating Club members about the Rotary Foundation.
- encouraging and facilitating Club participation in Rotary Foundation grants and activities.
- ensuring that the Club is qualified to receive Rotary Foundation grants and that it maintains a system for managing grant funds as outlined in the club memorandum of understanding.
- coordinating with the Youth Service committee to plan and implement a Rotary Youth Exchange should the Club express support for participating.
- working toward achieving the goals set out in the Rotary International Presidential Citation.
The International Service Committee may strike sub-committees as required. Sub-committees shall be provided with a specific mandate and shall report to the committee as a whole.
Youth Service Committee
Mandate and Governance
The Youth Service committee shall have authority to exercise its role and duties within the limits set out by the by-laws of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and these terms of reference. The general mandate of the Youth Service committee shall be to provide programs and resources related to the educational and leadership development of youth and young adults. Youth Service became Rotary’s fifth Avenue of Service in 2010.
The Rotary Club of Bowmanville supports two Student Bursary programs (Clarington high schools and Matawa First Nations). It shall be within the mandate of the Youth Service committee to maintain these programs until such time that the membership formally requests a change.
Decisions on funding requests before the committee and within its mandate shall be made through discussion and consensus of the committee members. For amounts greater than $500, consensus of a quorum is required. Should a vote on a request be required, the committee chair shall conduct the vote and shall normally only vote to break a tie. A record of committee decisions shall be maintained. For amounts equal to or less than $500, a funding decision may be made by the Director and one other committee member.
Role and Duties
The Youth Service committee is responsible for:
- developing committee goals to achieve youth service project goals for the coming year.
- providing leadership opportunities for youth such as Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Rotaract, and Interact.
- planning and implementing the annual Student Bursary program for Clarington high schools.
- liaising with elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools to evaluate where Rotary may assist with programs or resources.
- liaising with the Matawa First Nations to plan and implement the Student Bursary program.
- reviewing and evaluating on-going youth and young adult funding initiatives and determining if they should continue and, if so, determining the amount of funding to be allotted.
- evaluating requests for funding of youth and young adult related programs or events and making decisions related to the acceptance or rejection of those requests.
- determining the amount of funding to be allotted to requests that have been approved.
- tracking requests for funding and maintaining a record of decisions made and amounts of funding allotted.
- coordinating with the International Service committee to plan and implement a Rotary Youth Exchange should the Club express support for participating.
- working toward achieving the goals set out in the Rotary International Presidential Citation.
The Youth Service committee may strike sub-committees as required; for example, a sub-committee to plan and implement the Clarington Student Bursary program or the Matawa First Nations Bursary program. Sub-committees shall be provided with a specific mandate and shall report to the committee as a whole.
Fundraising and Special Events Committee
Mandate and Governance
The Fundraising and Special Events committee shall have authority to exercise its role and duties within the limits set out by the by-laws of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and these terms of reference. The general mandate of the Fundraising and Special Events committee shall be to optimize the amount of funds raised for the charitable work of the Club.
Decisions on motions before the committee and within its mandate shall be made by consensus or by a majority vote of the committee members if consensus cannot be achieved. The committee chair shall administer the vote and shall normally only vote to break a tie.
Role and Duties
The Fundraising and Special Events committee shall be responsible for:
- developing committee goals to achieve fundraising and special event goals for the coming year.
- planning and conducting fundraising and special events on behalf of the Club that include evaluation of their viability and effectiveness.
- working with other organizations, volunteers, and committee members to maximize the amount of funds raised for the Club’s charitable activities.
- planning and implementing the annual Rockin’ Rotary Ribs and Brews Festival.
- maintaining the Rockin’ Rotary Ribs and Brews Festival website.
- planning and implementing the annual Christmas Tree sales.
- reviewing the evaluations of on-going fundraising initiatives and determining if they should continue and, if so, how they may be improved.
- identifying opportunities for additional fundraising projects that will provide further funds to the Club and enhance the Club’s profile within the community.
- tracking fundraising activities and maintaining a record of decisions made and amounts of funds raised.
- working toward achieving the goals set out in the Rotary International Presidential Citation.
The Fundraising and Special Events committee may strike sub-committees as required; for example, a sub-committee to plan and implement the Rockin’ Rotary Ribs and Brews Festival or the Christmas Tree sales. Sub-committees shall be provided with a specific mandate and shall report to the committee as a whole.