The Rotary Club of Bowmanville is delighted to announce that it has donated a total of $50,000 toward the construction of a hospice in Clarington. The funds are intended to not only assist with the fundraising initiative to build the hospice but also to provide namng rights to one of the rooms in the hospice. The room will be dedicated to the memory of Mary and Vincent Fletcher of Bowmanville. Vince Fletcher was a very active Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow. Following his passing, his wife Mary continued their dedication to Rotary by giving $2,500 each year to support Rotary's Chriistmas Party for children with special needs and their families. Upon her death, Mary bequithed $196,000 to the Rotary Club of Bowmanville. The funds have been invested and it is the intention of the Bowmanville Rotary Club to fund one major community initiative each year for five years. The contribution toward the Durham Region Hospice - Clarington is our first such initiative. For more information about Durham Region Hospice - Clarington or to donate toward the Clarington Hospice, please visit their website by following this link.

Bowmanville Rotary President John Burns (C) presents a cheque to hospice advocate Marian Timmermans (L) and Donna McFarlane (R), Senior Advisor, Durham Region Hospice