At its virtual meeting on June 16, 2020, the Rotary Club of Bowmanville was pleased to be able to present its annual student bursaries to five very deserving students who will be attending post secondary institutions in September. The recipients were:
Arin Jean Davey (Bowmanville High School) will be attending Trent University to study in the Biomedical Science Program. Following that she plans to attend the University of Waterloo for the Vision Science Program.
Janine Grace Driesman (Durham Christian High School) will be attending to study in the Architectural and Environmental Technology Program.
Elizabeth Grace Kingsley (St. Steven Catholic Secondary School) will be studying Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
Olivia Doorenspleet (Clarington Central Secondary School) plans to study Nursing at Ryerson University.
Cameron Nicholas Cheshire (Clarke High School) will be attending Trent University to study in the Environmental Science Program.
The Rotary Club of Bowmanville wishes our bursary recipients every success in their studies and in their eventual chosen careers.