Soccer is an increasingly popular sport in Clarington and the municipality provides several soccer fields for this purpose throughout the community. The Darlington Soccer Club works hard to keep the fields in pristine condition to enhance player safety and improve game pace and quality. To accomplish this, the Soccer Club owns and maintains a tractor, field rollers, and other equipment used to seed, fertilize, water, and roll the fields. In July the Darlington Soccer Club approached the Rotary Club of Bowmanville, which hosts its Ribs & Brews event at the Clarington Fields, with a request to donate funds to purchase a shed in which to house their equipment. The Soccer Club also offered to engage in a joint branding opportunity. The Rotary Club of Bowmanville was pleased to support the Darlington Soccer Club with a grant of $4400.00 to purchase the much needed shed and offered to pay for a joint branding banner to be affixed to the shed.

(L - R) Kevin Anyan, Director, Public Relations and Branding; Kyle Elliott, Club Administrator, Darlington Soccer Club; Lyle Goodin, Director, Community Service