The First Annual Pumpkin Parade featured over 200 JacK-O-Lanterns lining the walkway and veranda of the Clarington Museum's Waverley Place. Organized by Bowmanville High School student James Chocorlan with Rotary's financial support, the event brought out a throng of adults and children to view the amazing array of Jack-O-Lantern ideas from the very comical to the down right scary. The event was also designed to support the local Salvation Army Food Bank by requesting a donation of non-perishable food items from the attendees. The local Boy Scouts also participated by selling snacks as a fundraiser for their troop. All in all this was indeed a tremendous success for a first time event and we at Rotary wish to congratulate James, his family, and his friends for the amazing effort they put into making it happen. We also would like to see this event continue and will assist in any way we can. Thank you to everyone who participated by bring their Jack-O-Lantern, donating to the Salvation Army Food Bank, or simply attended the event. Our thanks as well to Clarington Museum and Archives for hosting the event and to the Municipality for arranging for the composting of the pumpkins.

Jack-O-Lanterns line the Walkway at Waverley Place

Really Spooky!!!