On January 11, 1924 a list of seventeen charter members, along with their classifications, was submitted to the international secretary in Chicago. They were - R. F. Aitchison, Banker; W. P. Corbett, Baker; G. E. Chase, Engineer; C. Dickinson, Hotel; J. C. Devitt, Dentist; G. A. Edmonstone, Butcher; T. S. Holgate, Coal Dealer; B. J. Hazlewood, Physician; W. C. Ives, Boots and Shoes; George W. James, Publisher; T. H. Knight, Grocer; F. F. Morris, Furniture; D. R. Morrison, Chemist; G. R. Mason, Dry Goods; A. L. Nicholls, Fancy Good; C. T. Ross, Moving Pictures; and F. C. Vanstone, Miller.
At the organization meeting held on January 11, 1924 the following was noted:
Moved by B. J. Hazlewood and seconded by W.C.Ives that we proceed to form a Rotary Club in Bowmanville and that the meeting adopt the constitution and bylaws of Rotary International.
On motion the following directors were appointed - T. S. Holgate, B. J. Hazlewood, R. F. Aitchison, W. C. Ives, F. F. Morris, George Mason, and W. P. Corbett.

During the third official organizing meeting on January 25, 1924, Dolph Nicholls gave a report about a special needs child in Kendal who required help. Action was taken by the Directors. This was the Club's first effort on behalf of a special needs child and one which has been one of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville's first priorities ever since.
Charter night was held at the Bowman House, owned by Charter Member C. Dickinson, on March 6,1924 at 6:15 P.M. District Governor Andy Wallace presented Charter Number 1613 to President Tom Holgate and so the Rotary Club of Bowmanville came to be.
Over the past 90 plus years the Club has grown to more than fifty members. Through its Ribs and Brews Festival and Christmas Tree sales, the Club raises in excess of $100,000 annually. The money raised is used for Rotary's charitable work within our community and throughout the world.
NOTE: The above information was excerpted and adapted from "The Rotary Club of Bowmanville" (c 1994), a history of the Club written by Bowmanville Rotarian George Vice to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of The Rotary Club of Bowmanville.